The museum collection at Lydiard House contains a fascinating selection of prints and drawings, including watercolours, many of which are rarely seen. If not on display they are safely conserved for posterity and used for research purposes as well as featuring in displays and exhibitions from time to time.
From engravings that reproduce portraits of famous members of the St.John family to satirical cartoons that poke fun at them and watercolours depicting lesser known members of the family, this special collection draws on material from Lydiard House, private collections and notable institutions including The National Portrait Gallery and The British Museum. There are views of the family’s manors at Lydiard Park in Wiltshire and Battersea in Middlesex, antiquarian sketches of St. Mary’s Lydiard Tregoze and striking 20th and 21st Century artworks by Swindon artists.
Some of the prints were produced to satisfy an audience and sold like hot cakes, for example, 18th Century engravings by Bartolozzi after the works of society artist and former Lady of the Manor at Lydiard, Diana Beauclerk. Her scandalous reputation no doubt piqued the public appetite for her work. In contrast a drawing of a German landscape by Lydiard Park World War II Prisoner of War Dr Heise and described by him as 'a piece of my beloved home', by then overrun by Soviet troops, was a personal and heartfelt gift to the camps' British interpreter.
We have chosen this beautiful engraving of Charlotte Elizabeth St.John (1830- 1871) to headline the collection. It was published by the well-known engraver William Henry Mote after a portrait by society artist John Hayter. Charlotte was the granddaughter of General Frederick St.John and Lady Mary Kerr and was born in Algiers where her father held the post of Consul General. It was said of her that "she will die unmarried, poor girl", which indeed she did, aged just forty years.
We will continue to add to this collection and in the meantime hope that you enjoy discovering new images and stories that bring the history of Lydiard Park and the St.John family to life.