The Lydiard Archives


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We regularly add St.John family portraits to The Lydiard Archives. This painting of Henry St.John 1st Vsct Bolingbroke is in The National Portrait Gallery.

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Archaeology volunteers, June 2004

Archaeology volunteers, June 2004
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Volunteers working alongside Wessex Archaeology, about to begin their day, June 2004. Wessex Archaeology were commissioned by Swindon Borough Council to undertake investigations and excavations at Lydiard Park in order to inform the restoration of the historic parkland.

Wessex involved over 1000 local people including groups from businesses in the town, families, school children and hundreds who were keen to get involved in hands on archaeology. Work at Lydiard was led by Chris Ellis who can be seen on the far left of the photograph.

Friends of Lydiard Park
Wessex Archaeology
Last updated on:
Friday 30th June 2023

Items of Interest

Photographs of archaeological investigations, Lydiard Park Landscape Restoration,  June 2004
Photographs of archaeological investigations, Lydiard Park Landscape Restoration, June 2004

A set of photographs taken in June 2004 which show...

Phil Harding and archaeology volunteers, 2004
Phil Harding and archaeology volunteers, 2004

As part of the community archaeology programme led...

Archaeological Investigations Report, Lydiard Park 2004 - Wessex Archaeology
Archaeological Investigations Report, Lydiard Park 2004 - Wessex Archaeology

This report was produced by Wessex Archaeology fol...

Intel Corporation volunteers restoring the walled garden, 2006
Intel Corporation volunteers restoring the walled garden, 2006

The £5.3 million Lydiard Park Project (2004-7) inc...