Building Hook Village Hall - A Local Endeavour (Part 1)

Building Hook Village Hall - A Local Endeavour (Part 1)
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An article drawing on information recorded in three Minute Books of the Village Hall Fund Committee, manuscript notebooks, which cover the period of March 1944 to April 1955.

Part One – Building the Hall (1944-1952) reveals the huge effort on the part of local villagers to build the hall during a time of rationing and supply shortages and their fundraising activities which created a calendar of events from whist drives, concerts, football matches and the annual Hook Show.



Sarah Finch-Crisp
Research Paper
Friends of Lydiard Park
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Tuesday 27th June 2023

Items of Interest

Minute Books (3) Village Hall Fund Committee of Hook, Greatfield and Greenhill
Minute Books (3) Village Hall Fund Committee of Hook, Greatfield and Greenhill

The manuscript notebooks begin with the founding o...

Stan Dash Band, Hook Village Hall, 1950's
Stan Dash Band, Hook Village Hall, 1950's

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Poster for a dance in Hook Village Hall, October 1956
Poster for a dance in Hook Village Hall, October 1956

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