Christmas Card from John Betjeman to Vernon St. John, 6th Vsct. Bolingbroke c1960-70

Christmas Card from John Betjeman to Vernon St. John, 6th Vsct. Bolingbroke  c1960-70
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Christmas card sent with New Year greetings from the English poet, writer and broadcaster, John Betjeman, to Vernon St.John, 6th Vsct. Bolingbroke. It reads:


It was so nice to get your interesting card & fascinating to see the Mistletoe moth. I never knew there was such a thing. Our cards this year came late from the printers hence this has to be a NEW YEAR GREETING with our best wishes for a happy time (trekking/tracking?) Lepidoptera on the wing the New Forest from Penelope and John Betjeman The Mead, Wantage, Berks.

Vernon had collaborated with John Betjeman who edited the well-loved Shell County Guides series, providing Nature Notes for the Wiltshire edition.

John Betjeman (1906-1984)
Greetings Card
Friends of Lydiard Park
T. Cooper-Tydeman
Last updated on:
Wednesday 8th December 2021

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