The Lydiard Archives


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We regularly add St.John family portraits to The Lydiard Archives. This painting of Henry St.John 1st Vsct Bolingbroke is in The National Portrait Gallery.

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Dedication stone, Lydiard House, 1743

Dedication stone, Lydiard House, 1743
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Stone tablet in the attics of Lydiard House recording the remodelling of the building in the mid 18th Century. The inscription reads:

This House was

Rebuilt in AD: MDCCXLIII

by John Lord Viscount St John

who Married Anne the Daughter

and Coheiress of Sir Robert Furnese

Barronet of Waldershare

in the County of Kent.

Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
Last updated on:
Tuesday 31st August 2021

Items of Interest

The Stone in the Attics
The Stone in the Attics

The article concerns the date of the remodelling o...