From Battersea to Philadelphia - The Library of Battersea Manor, 1954

From Battersea to Philadelphia - The Library of Battersea Manor, 1954
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A newspaper clipping from the Manchester Guardian in 1954 describing the library at Battersea Manor and its rescue from demolition and unusual journey to a private home in Philadelphia.

Newspaper Cutting
Friends of Lydiard Park
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Saturday 11th September 2021

Items of Interest

Engraving of Battersea Church and manor house, 1752
Engraving of Battersea Church and manor house, 1752

The engraving shows a view of Battersea Church fro...

Excavations at Battersea Flour Mills 1996-97 - medieval and post medieval manor houses
Excavations at Battersea Flour Mills 1996-97 - medieval and post medieval manor houses

Wessex Archaeology excavated the site of Battersea...

Guide to Old Battersea House, early 20th Century
Guide to Old Battersea House, early 20th Century

A short guide to Old Battersea House which provid...

Photographs (2) of Old Battersea House interiors
Photographs (2) of Old Battersea House interiors

Photographs showing the staircase and Library at O...