Grave of Rector Baily, 1900

Grave of Rector Baily, 1900
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Grave of Henry George Baily, Rector of Lydiard Tregoze for 15 years from 1885 to his death in 1900.

Previously Baily had been Vicar of the ancient church of Holyrood in Swindon. From there he oversaw the building and opening of Christ Church which replaced it. The new church was designed by George Gilbert Scott and is the parish church of Swindon. Baily became its first vicar and remained there until taking up the position at Lydiard Tregoze.

Lettering on his grave records that he was vicar of the Parish of Swindon for 38 years. Members of his family are also commemorated.

Christ Church, Swindon
Friends of Lydiard Park
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Thursday 11th July 2024

Items of Interest

Grave of Thomas Shipman MA Rector of Lydiard Tregoze,  Radnor St. Cemetery 1884
Grave of Thomas Shipman MA Rector of Lydiard Tregoze, Radnor St. Cemetery 1884

For a short period between the closure of the chur...