Portrait of Henry St.John, 1st Vsct Bolingbroke, 1712-14

Portrait of Henry St.John, 1st Vsct Bolingbroke, 1712-14
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The National Portrait website records that this portrait:

'commemorates Bolingbroke’s brief ambassadorship in Paris in August 1712. He is shown wearing the coronation robes of a Viscount, an honour he had received the previous month; on the table lie state papers addressed to the Queen (Queen Anne) and a plan of fortifications, probably those of Dunkirk whose reduction played a prominent part in his negotiations/ The papers may indicate that the portrait was completed within Queen Anne’s lifetime (i.e. before August 1714)'.

For a full description and reference notes please visit the National Portrait Gallery website.

Unknown French artist
National Portrait Gallery
NPG 593
National Portrait Gallery, London
Last updated on:
Sunday 17th September 2023

Items of Interest

Report No. 10
Report No. 10

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