Primitive Methodist Chapel, Hook Street. Lydiard Tregoze

Primitive Methodist Chapel, Hook Street. Lydiard Tregoze
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Now demolished, this green corrugated hut known locally as 'the Tin Chapel' stood on Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze. It was erected by the Primitive Methodists in the 19th Century and was in regular use by them for over 100 years.

In this photograph, taken in 2008, you can see Maureen Baker ne Strange.

Privately owned
Friends of Lydiard Park
Pete Melsom
Last updated on:
Thursday 16th May 2024

Items of Interest

Certificate for a place of Religious Worship in Hook, Lydiard Tregoze, 1822
Certificate for a place of Religious Worship in Hook, Lydiard Tregoze, 1822

A certificate drawn up by Primitive Methodist Chur...