Photograph of 2nd Baron Wolverton

Photograph of 2nd Baron Wolverton
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George Grenfell Glyn, 2nd Baron Wolverton (1824-1887) was a British Liberal politician who held office three of the the Liberal administrations of William Gladstone.

In 1876 he bought a manorial estate at Iwerne Minster in Dorset where he built a large mansion, turning much of the farmland into parkland to pursue his passion for hunting.

His connection to the St.John family came through the marriage of Captain Henry Percy St.John (1854-1921) to Maud Louisa Glyn (d1938).

Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
LYD 1994 124
Friends of Lydiard Park
T. Cooper-Tydeman
Last updated on:
Wednesday 9th February 2022

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