Photographs (2) of Windmill Leaze Farm (Park Farm) Lydiard Tregoze, 1890's

Photographs (2) of Windmill Leaze Farm (Park Farm) Lydiard Tregoze, 1890's
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Rare late Victorian photograph of Windmill Leaze Farm, Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze with members of the Kinchin family, tenants of Henry St.John, 5th Viscount Bolingbroke of Lydiard Park.

Research by William Jacob - The Principal Farms and Occupying Farms of Lydiard Tregoze 1839-1895 (Report no 23) draws on Directories and extant Rate Books of the parish. These show the Kinchin family holding the tenancy of Windmill Leaze Farm, including part of Lydiard Park, between 1839 and 1895. Land Tax Assessments Lydiard Tregoze Parish, 1780-1831 by Brian Carne (Report no 40), records that Lord Bolingbroke's tenants for the period 1780-1831 were:

1780-1798 Thomas Neate

1799-1800 Mrs Neate

1801-1807 William Beames

1808-1822 Elizabeth Beames

1823-1831 Thomas Kinchin

Following the departure of the Kinchin family in 1895 Windmill Leaze Farm was let to several different tenants. In 1914 the Rumming family took over the tenancy, later purchasing the farm on the break up of the Bolingbroke estate in 1940. In that year David Rumming decided to change the name of the farm back to its original name - Park Farm. The family remain there to this day.

Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
LYD 1998 29.1& 2
Lydiard House
Last updated on:
Monday 24th October 2022

Items of Interest

Photographs (2) of Windmill Leaze Farm (Park Farm) Lydiard Tregoze, c1900
Photographs (2) of Windmill Leaze Farm (Park Farm) Lydiard Tregoze, c1900

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