Inventory of Lydiard House, 1848

Inventory of Lydiard House, 1848
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A manuscript inventory for Lydiard House listing the furniture, fixtures and effects belonging to the Hon. Henry St. John (presumed Henry St.John, eldest son of Henry St.John, 4th Viscount Bolingbroke), in 1848.

The inventory has been a useful reference and guide for identifying and tracing original furnishings, informing picture hanging and making replacement soft furnishings for the State Rooms. It also details the contents of the servants quarters including the Butlers Pantry and outhouses.

The inventory was compiled following the death of Thomas Orby Hunter who was living at Lydiard House with his family, tenants of the 4th Viscount. The tenancy was subsequently transferred to Thomas's son-in-law, Charles Orby Wombwell.

Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
LYD 1993 -370
Swindon Borough Council
Transcription by Dr Lynda Pidgeon
Last updated on:
Friday 28th July 2023

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