Johanna St.John Recipe Book (PDF Readable)

Johanna St.John Recipe Book (PDF Readable)
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c. 1680
Other Book
The Wellcome Foundation
No known copyright
Last updated on:
Sunday 22nd December 2024

Items of Interest

Letter from Lady Johanna St.John to Thomas Hardyman, March 1661
Letter from Lady Johanna St.John to Thomas Hardyman, March 1661

Letter from Lady Johanna St.John, writing from her...

Letter from Lady Johanna St.John to Thomas Hardyman, March 13th 1661
Letter from Lady Johanna St.John to Thomas Hardyman, March 13th 1661

Letter from Lady Johanna St.John, writing from her...

Letter from Lady Johanna St. John to Thomas Hardyman, c1661
Letter from Lady Johanna St. John to Thomas Hardyman, c1661

Letter from Lady Johanna St.John, writing from her...

Letter from Lady Johanna St. John to Thomas Hardyman c April 1661
Letter from Lady Johanna St. John to Thomas Hardyman c April 1661

Letter from Lady Johanna St.John, writing from her...

Letter from Lady Johanna St. John to Thomas Hardyman,  circa December 1661
Letter from Lady Johanna St. John to Thomas Hardyman, circa December 1661

The letter is principally concerned with the depar...

Dame Johanna St.John as a medical practitioner, by Frank Smallwood
Dame Johanna St.John as a medical practitioner, by Frank Smallwood

A scholarly article examining Lady Johanna St.John...

Johanna St John (1631-1705), wife of Sir Walter St John, 3rd Bt by John Michael Wright
Johanna St John (1631-1705), wife of Sir Walter St John, 3rd Bt by John Michael Wright

Lady Johanna and Sir Walter St. John divided their...