Letter from Lady Bolingbroke to Mrs Rumming, September 1937

Letter from Lady Bolingbroke to Mrs Rumming, September 1937
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A letter of condolence from Lady Mary St.John, 5th Viscountess Bolingbroke to Mrs (Mabel) Rumming of Park Farm Lydiard Tregoze dated 4th September 1937,

Lady Bolingbroke, as she was known, sends the Rumming family her sympathy for their 'great bereavement' on the passing of Mrs Rumming senior.

She also records her own poor health and the difficulties of not having any assistance, Mrs Strange being away and Mrs Love not able to help her.

Mary (Howard), 5th Viscountess Bolingbroke
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Friends of Lydiard Park
Pete Melsom
Last updated on:
Wednesday 15th February 2023

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