Letter from Lady Johanna St. John to Thomas Hardyman 2nd May C1661

Letter from Lady Johanna St. John to Thomas Hardyman 2nd May C1661
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The letter which was written from Lydiard, concerns the 'Wooton' election and gives an account of the proceedings, Including Lady Johanna's gift of a maypole.

c. 1661
Lady Johanna St. John
Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre
Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre
Last updated on:
Saturday 30th December 2023

Items of Interest

Johanna St John (1631-1705), wife of Sir Walter St John, 3rd Bt. by Godfrey Kneller
Johanna St John (1631-1705), wife of Sir Walter St John, 3rd Bt. by Godfrey Kneller

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