Mr and Mrs Harry Gough at Lydiard Park

Mr and Mrs Harry Gough at Lydiard Park
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Mr and Mrs Harold (Harry) Gough c1940's. Harry Gough was appointed to the position of Caretaker of Lydiard House in 1944 when much of the parkland was occupied by an American Station Hospital.

By the time this picture was taken the hospital had been converted into a German POW Camp. This image was discovered amongst a set of negatives of the POW Camp taken by Swindon photographer Albert Beaney.

Mr Beaney was a commercial photographer, best known for his photographs of local children, including many children living in the former military camp at Lydiard Park in the 1950's.

Albert Beaney
Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
Lydiard House
Last updated on:
Saturday 30th October 2021

Items of Interest

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Gough with their daughter Joyce (Vincent) Lydiard Park, c1950s
Photograph of Mr and Mrs Gough with their daughter Joyce (Vincent) Lydiard Park, c1950s

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