Newspaper cutting - Viscount Called Up - A Passion for Music, 1917

Newspaper cutting - Viscount Called Up -  A Passion for Music, 1917
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The article is one of several that record Vernon Henry St.John being served with an army call-up notice from Swindon Recruitment Office on the eve of his 21st birthday on March 15th 1917, instructing him to report for duty by the 28th of the month.

Interestingly the article mentions the young viscount's fitness classification as being CI, reflecting the fact that he was not of robust health. Being in Category C meant the Central Medical Board considered him to be free from serious diseases and able to March 5 miles, see to shoot with glasses and hear well. Those classified as Category C were expected to serve in garrisons at home, however Vernon went on to fight in France.

The article records the gift of a rose-bowl by the tenantry of the Lydiard estate to mark Vernon's attaining the Viscountsy of Bolingbroke and the 'romantic story' of his succeeding to the title. Vernon is quoted as telling the reporter:

"I am passionately fond of music. It is all I live for. I love the organ, piano and violin. Bach and Beethoven appeal particularly to me"

Newspaper Cutting
Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
LYD 1993 294 - 1
Lydiard House
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Friday 23rd February 2024

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