Photograph copies (2 ) of Henry Love, Head Gardener Lydiard Park, c1880-1910 & Mrs Love

Photograph copies (2 ) of Henry Love, Head Gardener Lydiard Park, c1880-1910 & Mrs Love
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Photograph of Henry (Harry) Love, Head Gardener at Lydiard Park in the late 19th/early 20th century. He is seen in a garden setting holding a watering can.

Harry's wife, Mary Anne Love, is pictured in the fields on her way to Hook Chapel in her Sunday best clothes.

(Both images taken from a copy negative of the original prints which remain in a private collection).

Lydiard House
Private Collection
LYD 1998. 25. 1-2
Lydiard House
Last updated on:
Friday 17th November 2023

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