Photograph of clergy and choir outside St. Mary's Lydiard Millicent, 1950's

Photograph of clergy and choir outside St. Mary's Lydiard Millicent, 1950's
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The clergy and choir of St .Mary's Lydiard Millicent, c 1950's

Back Row L to R:

Stan Dash; Richard French; John Redford; (?); Richard Gleed

Middle Row L to R:

Kath Embling; Shirley Fr ? ; Joyce Ricketts; Michael Clark, Hazel Clark; Phyllis Ricketts; Mrs Earley (Head Teacher, Lydiard Millicent School)

Front Row L to R:

Brenda Redford; Pat Ferris; Geoff Webb (Organist & Choir Master); Revd. Hazledene; Carol Gleed, Joan Cook

Stan Dash also had his own band which regularly played at Hook Village Hall. See Items of Interest: The Stan Dash Band

Private Collection
Friends of Lydiard Park
T. Cooper-Tydeman
Last updated on:
Monday 8th August 2022

Items of Interest

Stan Dash Band, Hook Village Hall, 1950's
Stan Dash Band, Hook Village Hall, 1950's

Rare photograph of Stan Dash's band performing at...