Photograph of Coronation celebration, 1937

Photograph of Coronation celebration, 1937
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This photograph, taken outside the school house at Hook marks the occasion of the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth which took place on 12th May 1937. Two wagons provide a stage which is decorated with bunting, banners and flags. Prominent members of the village are seated on the stage with the vicar, Revd. Willetts in the centre (hidden behind the daffodils) and Lord Bolingbroke to his left.

The central poster reads 'An Honourable Sunday Means an Exalted Empire' and shows an image of earth with a Union Jack.

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Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Wednesday 29th March 2023

Items of Interest

Coronation Mug  1936
Coronation Mug 1936

Mug issued in celebration of the coronation of Kin...

Letter from Lady Bolingbroke to Mrs Rumming, September 1937
Letter from Lady Bolingbroke to Mrs Rumming, September 1937

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