The Lydiard Archives


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We regularly add St.John family portraits to The Lydiard Archives. This painting of Henry St.John 1st Vsct Bolingbroke is in The National Portrait Gallery.

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Photograph of Creeches Farm, Hook, late 19th Century

Photograph of Creeches Farm, Hook,  late 19th Century
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Creeches Farm became part of the Lydiard estate when it was bought by Lady Bolingbroke in 1906. It had previously belonged to the Meux estate and was home to the Phillimore family. Their descendent Own Hale held the tenancy at the time of the sale, farming twenty acres of land for which he paid £40 p.a. - this included sporting rights on an adjoining piece of land. Members of the Hale family can be seen in the photograph.

See Items of Interest: Creeches Farm Hook and some of its inhabitants, by Olga Fry (Report no. 36)

Lydiard House
LYD 1994 -
Lydiard House
Last updated on:
Monday 11th July 2022

Items of Interest

Creeches Farm, Hook, and some of its inhabitants, by Olga M.I. Fry
Creeches Farm, Hook, and some of its inhabitants, by Olga M.I. Fry

Olga Fry traces the history of Creeches Farm from...

Grave of Martha Hale, Radnor St. Cemetery, Swindon 1890
Grave of Martha Hale, Radnor St. Cemetery, Swindon 1890

For a short period between the closure of the chur...