Photograph of Home Guard training at Lydiard Park, World War II

Photograph of Home Guard training at Lydiard Park, World War II
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Members of the Swindon GWR Home Guard training at Lydiard Park during World War II.

In the fist picture they are seen operating a Smith Gun which looked very similar to a real field artillery gun. The gun was a 3-inch, smooth bore howitzer with solid metal wheels which was light enough to be towed behind a civilian car. Some people ridiculed the gun at the time, likening it to a toy gun. Apparently it also had a very poor safety record.

In the second view we see young lads being instructed in how to use a rifle.

The third image appears to be a mapping exercise.

The photograph is one of twenty images taken at Lydiard Park by local photographer, Albert Beaney during World War II.

Albert Beaney
Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
LYD1998-22 (16, 19 & 20)
Lydiard House
Last updated on:
Thursday 21st July 2022

Items of Interest

British military personnel at 160 POW Camp, Lydiard Park, 1946-1948
British military personnel at 160 POW Camp, Lydiard Park, 1946-1948

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