Photograph of Ivy Hatch on her wedding day, January 1947

Photograph of Ivy Hatch on her wedding day, January 1947
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Ivy Hatch being led by her brother Bob Hatch to St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, on the day of her wedding to Sidney (Sid) Bowler, 4 January 1947.

Private Collection
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Tuesday 14th September 2021

Items of Interest

Peals and Chimes: The bells of St. Mary’s Lydiard Tregoze by Sarah Finch-Crisp
Peals and Chimes: The bells of St. Mary’s Lydiard Tregoze by Sarah Finch-Crisp

Illustrated article written for the Friends of Lyd...

Photographs (2) of the wedding of Ivy and Sidney Bowler, January 1947
Photographs (2) of the wedding of Ivy and Sidney Bowler, January 1947

Group wedding photograph celebrating the marriage...