Photograph of Mr Smallwood with Revd. Brian Carne, 1981

Photograph of Mr Smallwood with Revd. Brian Carne, 1981
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Frank T. Smallwood (1880-1982) co-founded the Friends of Lydiard Tregoz with Revd. Brian Carne in 1967 and was its President from 1971 until his death.

This photograph was taken at Lydiard Park on 9th May 1981 at the annual Friends meeting in May. A note by Brian Carne records this was the last meeting Mr Smallwood attended.

Mr Smallwood was for forty four years on the staff of the Sir Walter St.John school in Battersea and brought pupils on regular trips from London to see Lydiard House and St. Mary's Church. His extensive research in to the history of the St.John family, its heraldry and genealogy was inherited by Revd. Brian Carne and continued to inform publications of The Reports of The Friends of Lydiard Tregoz to which he had contributed many scholarly articles.

Private Collection
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Thursday 2nd September 2021

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