Photograph of Titcombe family, early 20th century

Photograph of Titcombe family, early 20th century
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Studio portrait of members of the Titcombe family c 1910.

Seated on the right, Miriam Titcombe (1845 -1932) or 'Granny Titcombe' as she was known locally, proudly wears her best bonnet for the occasion. Next to her is her son-in-law William Dutton and his wife Bertha. Miriam's two unmarried daughters, Bessie and Martha, stand behind. The three younger ladies have adopted a more modern look that their mother and are sporting large brimmed hats that were popular in Edwardian England.

William and Bertha Dutton were both in service. They married in later life and lived in Purton. Bessie and Martha were also in service, Bessie working in the Reading area.

c. 1910
Private Collection
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Monday 10th June 2024

Items of Interest

Photographs (6) of Mrs Miriam Titcombe & family
Photographs (6) of Mrs Miriam Titcombe & family

Mrs Miriam Titcombe ne Potter (1845-1932), known a...