Photograph of Lance Corporal Vernon St.John, 6th Vsct Bolingbroke, 1918

Photograph of Lance Corporal Vernon St.John, 6th Vsct Bolingbroke, 1918
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Studio portrait of Vernon Henry St.John, 6th Viscount Bolingbroke, age 21 years in military uniform.

Vernon and his two elder brothers, Henry and Charles St.John, all fought in World War I. Vernon received his joining up papers on the eve of his 21st birthday and began his military training with the 36th Training Reserve Battalion in June 2017 before joining the 3rd Dorsetshire Regiment. He was the only lord to serve as a private. A talented musician, he played for the 'Bijou Orchestra' while doing his training.

Vernon saw active service in France where his battalion suffered heavy casualties. In April 1918 he was injured and sent to the General Kitchener Hospital in Brighton to recover. Suffering from shell shock he was invalided out of the army with an Honourable Discharge in November 1918.

See Related Items: Lydiard at War

Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
LYD 1995/21
Lydiard House
Last updated on:
Wednesday 17th April 2024

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