Photograph of wedding party of Roger and Beryl Hancock, 1960s

Photograph of wedding party of Roger and Beryl Hancock, 1960s
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This photograph, taken outside the south door of St. Mary's Church Lydiard Tregoze celebrates the marriage of Roger Hancock (nephew of Gertrude Gough) and Beryl (?).

Private Collection
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Thursday 11th July 2024

Items of Interest

Photographs (2) of Gertrude Gough at St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, c1950'/60's
Photographs (2) of Gertrude Gough at St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, c1950'/60's

In the first picture, possibly taken at Easter tim...

Photograph of Ivy Hatch on her wedding day, January 1947
Photograph of Ivy Hatch on her wedding day, January 1947

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Photograph of Joyce Gough on her wedding day
Photograph of Joyce Gough on her wedding day

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