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We regularly add St.John family portraits to The Lydiard Archives. This painting of Henry St.John 1st Vsct Bolingbroke is in The National Portrait Gallery.

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Photographs (6) of coffins in the St.John family vault, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze

Photographs (6) of coffins in the St.John family vault, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze
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A set of slide photographs taken in May 1984 during a thorough investigation of the St.John family vault beneath the South aisle of St. Mary's Church.

The vault had been briefly examined in October 1963, the first time it had been opened since 1887 when it was found to consist of two connected chambers with a rubble wall running to the East. The wall was thought to have possibly enclosed earlier burials under the tomb of Sir John St.John, 1st Bart. (d. 1648).

When it was re-opened in 1984, a more careful inspection of the construction and contents took place. The investigation was prompted by researchers hoping to discover gable- ended coffins as painted on the central panel of the St.John family Polyptych. Though none were discovered, important information was gleaned. A full record including architect's plans and a list of who is buried in the vault can be found in Report 18 of The Friends of Lydiard Tregoz.

In the report Canon Brian Carne suggests the probable number of St.John family members buried here between 1628 and 1851 to be 35 adults and 7 children. It would appear that the vaults were originally built by Sir John St.John 1st Baronet following a fashion begun by Queen Elizabeth 1st, incorporating an earlier burial place outside of the south wall. The earliest coffins had disintegrated by the time of the investigation and it appeared the vaults had been re-ordered in the 1740's with the coffins of John 2nd Viscount St.John and his wife, Anne Furnese, occupying the mortuary table.

St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze
Lydiard House
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Saturday 6th July 2024

Items of Interest

The Polyptych, St. Mary's Church, Lydiard Tregoze
The Polyptych, St. Mary's Church, Lydiard Tregoze

In the early seventeenth century Sir John St.John...

John St John (1702-1748), 2nd Viscount St John, full length in coronation robes
John St John (1702-1748), 2nd Viscount St John, full length in coronation robes

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Article on the St.John Vault at St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze
Article on the St.John Vault at St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze

A full account of the investigation into the St.Jo...

Coffin plate for Oliver St.John, 1st Vsct. Grandison, 1631
Coffin plate for Oliver St.John, 1st Vsct. Grandison, 1631

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