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Photographs (8) of Kidlington Brownie pack visit to Lydiard Park, 1979

Photographs (8) of Kidlington Brownie pack visit to Lydiard Park, 1979
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The old stable block at Lydiard House proved a popular hostel for visiting groups of Brownies, Guides, Cubs and Scouts. Some packs, like the Kidlington Brownies, regularly travelled here from outside the borough - in this case from Oxfordshire.

As late as the 1970's and early 1980's, before the increased expansion of West Swindon, Lydiard Park remained relatively isolated and provided an exciting countryside location where children had the freedom to explore, build camp fires and enjoy the outdoors.

Pack leaders shown in the group outside the stables are:

Left to Right:

Peggy Harwood, Brown Owl, 6th Kidlington Brownies

Carol Ellis, Tawny, 1st Kidlington Brownies

Janet Townsend, Brown Owl, 1st Kidlington Brownies

See Related Items for a contemporary account of this trip by pack leader Carol Ellis and memories by her daughter Lisa.

Private Collection
Friends of Lydiard Park
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Monday 11th October 2021

Items of Interest

Account of camping visit to Lydiard Park by Brownie pack leader Carol Ellis, 1979
Account of camping visit to Lydiard Park by Brownie pack leader Carol Ellis, 1979

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Memories of Brownie camp at Lydiard Park in the 1970's by Lisa Harvey

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Photographs (4) of Green Meadow Brownie pack camping at Lydiard Park, 1983

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Memories of scout camp at Lydiard Park in 1960's by Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Collett, 2021
Memories of scout camp at Lydiard Park in 1960's by Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Collett, 2021

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