Photographs (7) of Ernest & Daisy Titcombe and family

Photographs (7) of Ernest & Daisy Titcombe and family
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A wonderful selection of photographs representing two decades in the life of the Titcombe family of Lydiard Tregoze.

Like many men, Ernest Titcombe struggled to find work after World War I and spent several years unemployed. Sometime before World War II he found a labours job with Cricklade Rural District Council. His youngest son Malcolm remembers his rather as a quiet and retiring man and his mother, Daisy, as the one who brought up the children.

Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Friday 10th December 2021

Items of Interest

Photographs (4) of Ernest Titcombe in uniform, World War I
Photographs (4) of Ernest Titcombe in uniform, World War I

Ernest James Titcombe of Lydiard Tregoze volunteer...

Photographs (5) of Malcolm Titcombe as a young boy, 1930's
Photographs (5) of Malcolm Titcombe as a young boy, 1930's

4 photographs of Malcolm Titcombe as a young boy....

Photographs (2) of Stella Hanks (ne Titcombe) wedding blessing, c1970's
Photographs (2) of Stella Hanks (ne Titcombe) wedding blessing, c1970's

Stella Titcombe of Lydiard Tregoze on the day of h...