The Lydiard Archives


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We regularly add St.John family portraits to The Lydiard Archives. This painting of Henry St.John 1st Vsct Bolingbroke is in The National Portrait Gallery.

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Portrait of Antonia Georgiana Isabella St.John, 1859

Portrait of Antonia Georgiana Isabella St.John, 1859
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Tinted drawing of Antonia Georgiana Isabella St.John (1832-1903) dated 1859.

Antonia was the daughter of Lady Isabella Frances Fitzroy and Joseph Henry St.John, (illegitimate) son of George Richard St.John 3rd Vsct. Bolingbroke and Isabella von Hompesch.

See Items of Interest: Photograph of Antonia St. John, 1861 & Report No. 31 p 42 Antonia St.John Letters.

Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
Lydiard House
Last updated on:
Thursday 14th July 2022

Items of Interest

Memorial plaque to George Richard, 3rd Viscount Bolingbroke & Isabella Antoinette (Hompesh)
Memorial plaque to George Richard, 3rd Viscount Bolingbroke & Isabella Antoinette (Hompesh)

The brass memorial plaque commemorates George Rich...

George Richard St John (1761-1824), 3rd Viscount Bolingbroke by John Hoppner, 1785
George Richard St John (1761-1824), 3rd Viscount Bolingbroke by John Hoppner, 1785

Medium - oil on canvasMeasurements - H 72 x W 57 c...

Report No. 31
Report No. 31

CONTENTS3      &nbsp...

Photograph of Hon. Antonia Georgiana St.John, 1861
Photograph of Hon. Antonia Georgiana St.John, 1861

The Honourable Antonia St. John (1823 -1903)11 Nov...