Pottery items by Deirdre Malone of Hook

Pottery items by Deirdre Malone of Hook
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Two pieces by Lydiard Tregoze potter and well known local figure Deirdre Malone of Hook. The items, a beautifully modelled Springer Spaniel and a small blue vase will be the first items made by Miss Malone to be added to the Lydiard House Museum collection.

The Spaniel, a solid piece, was modelled on a dog called Spiv who belonged to Malcolm Titcombe of Hook. It was a surprise 21st birthday present from his mother in 1958. At the time Malcolm was undertaking National Service near Aldershot as a Sarjeant Major’s clerk, returning home each weekend. He recalls that Spiv seemed to have a sixth sense and was always waiting for him long before his bus arrived in the village. 

Its believed that Deidre Malone's parents moved to Hook sometime after World War Two. Deidre's father, a retired army colonel, worked at Lyneham airfield where Malcolm Titcombe also worked, as a Steward in the Officer's Mess, after completing his national service.

 We would very much like to learn more about Deirdre Malone and her work so do please get in touch if you remember her or can provide more information that we can add to the Lydiard Archives.

Miss Deirdre Malone
Friends of Lydiard Park
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Monday 10th June 2024

Items of Interest

Photograph of Malcolm Titcombe in National Service army uniform, c1958
Photograph of Malcolm Titcombe in National Service army uniform, c1958

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