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Engraving of William Villiers, 2nd Viscount Grandison. Part of a collection of engravings in the Lydiard House Collection. Search William Villiers.

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Report No. 40

Report No. 40
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3 The St.John’s Huguenot Connection, Mark Aston

9 Lady Luxborough’s Poetry, Audrey Duggan

13 St.Johns of Ireland, and St.Johns and Ireland, Peter St.John-Howe and

Rev. Brian G. Carne

25       Deborah Culme (d.1695), Rev. Brian G. Carne

29        The Kinchin Family and the Lydiards, Shirley E. Adams

31        Our War Memorials, Malcolm Titcombe

35        Land Tax Assessments: Lydiard Tregoze Parish, 1780-1831, Rev. Brian

G. Carne

40        Portraits, Paintings, and Prints at Lydiard House

47        The Friends of Lydiard Tregoz, 1967-2005, Rev. Brian G. Carne

53        Shorter Notes

                 Jane Brown, My Darling Heriott

                 Puley manor and church

                  Auction sale in the 1820s?

                 Vale: The Report of the Friends of Lydiard Tregoz

57        Index to Report nos. 31 to 40

Research Report
Friends Of Lydiard Park
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Saturday 16th September 2023

Items of Interest