Seating plan for opening of Lydiard House, 1955

Seating plan for opening of Lydiard House, 1955
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A Swindon Corporation document setting out the seating plan for dignitaries and guests attending luncheon at the Town Hall Swindon, to celebrate the opening of the State Rooms at Lydiard House to the public, 14th May 1955.

The document includes a full list of attendees including the Marquis and Marchioness of Landsdown who had loaned items of furniture to display in the otherwise empty State Rooms.

See Related Items for a film showing the public entering Lydiard House for the first time.

Swindon Corporation
Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
Friends of Lydiard Park
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Monday 3rd January 2022

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