Solicitors Letter from Royds & Rawstorne to Canon St.John, 15th November 1899

Solicitors Letter from Royds & Rawstorne to Canon St.John, 15th November 1899
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Canon Maurice St.John's solicitor is trying to discover more about the provisions made by the recently deceased 5th Viscount Bolingbroke, in terms of his titles and estate, which the Canon had previously thought would pass to himself.

His solicitor (name not yet deciphered) poses a number of questions for which he is seeking answers:

'Who was it saw "Bessie Hiscock" at Bath with Lord Bolingbroke?

Are Bessie Hiscock and Howard identical?'

There is also a question concerning the registration of the birth of a child 81 days after the event. Canon Maurice's solicitor asks to be put in touch with W. Bailey and plans to visit Swindon and Bath when he has found out more.

Royds & Rawstorne, Solicitors
Lydiard House
Swindon Borough Council
LYD 1994 137 .17
Lydiard House
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Wednesday 16th August 2023

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