Three Cheeres for Lydiard Park, by Philip Dunthorne, 1996

Three Cheeres for Lydiard Park, by Philip Dunthorne, 1996
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Philip Dunthorne presents compelling evidence that the English sculptor and monumental mason Henry Cheere (1703-1781) was responsible for the marble chimney pieces in the Drawing Room, Dining Room and State Bedroom of Lydiard House. He also suggests that the monument to Sir John St. John 2nd Vsct. St.John in St. Mary's Church might also be by Cheere.

The article includes review notes by Revd. Brian Carne, editor of the Friends of Lydiard Tregoz Reports .

Philip Dunthorne
Research Report Article
Report 29 (1996), pp. 35- 39
Friends of Lydiard Park
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Tuesday 14th September 2021

Items of Interest