Wall Paintings in English Churches, by E. Clive Rouse

Wall Paintings in English Churches, by E. Clive Rouse
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An immensely informative and entertaining address on wallpainting in English churches given by Clive Rouse to The Friends of Lydiard annual general meeting in 1974. Rouse was the leading authority on medieval wallpaintings and gave a rousing talk, introducing his audience to their importance, the reason they were painted and why comparatively few remain in existence.

Rouse makes particular reference to the wallpaintings in St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze and refers to a report he wrote on them in 1965 recommending their conservation. 40 years later conservation works began, including the relocation of the memorial tablet he describes as 'wrecking' the St. Christopher scene. Underneath conservators revealed a hidden niche with remnants of a statue - Rouse would have been delighted.

E. Clive Rouse (1901-1997)
Research Report Article
Taken from:
Report No. 8
Friends of Lydiard Park
Report 8 (1975), pp. 1-8
Friends of Lydiard Park
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Wednesday 8th September 2021

Items of Interest

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