Wallpainting - Renaissance Christ

Wallpainting - Renaissance Christ
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Highly unusual depiction of Christ with long wavy blonde hair surrounded by a decorative pomegranate design.

The painting dates from the 15th century, part of a new set of once brightly coloured wallpaintings introduced by Margaret Beauchamp (c1410-1482) and her first husband Oliver St.John. The couple are credited with enlargements and improvements to the church which took place in the 1400's, including the addition of the South Porch in which this wallpainting can be found.

The painting was conserved by Margaret Rutherfoord & Associates in 2019/20.

South porch, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze
Ash Mills Photography
St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze
Last updated on:
Friday 8th April 2022

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