Watercolour of Becket wallpainting, 1837

Watercolour of Becket wallpainting, 1837
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A watercolour of the 15th century wallpainting of the murder of Thomas Becket in St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze. The inscription tells us that it is a copy of an ancient painting 'found by Accident at Fine Liddiard Church' in September 1837.

The painting had been uncovered during the course of renovation works and happily this copy was made prior to the wall being re-whitewashed.

The picture was either commissioned by or came into the possession of Jacob Edmonds who was the Parish Clerk at the time. It was passed down by members of his family who generously gifted it to St. Mary's Church in 2017 when extensive conservation to the wallpaintings in the nave of the church were being carried out. The picture is particularly interesting as it shows details that the original painting has since lost.

The Friends of Lydiard Park grant funded the cleaning of the watercolour by Paper Conservator, Caroline Harrison in 2017. It is on permanent display in the interpretation area in the west entrance of the church.

St. Mary's Church, Lydiard Tregoze
St. Mary's Church, Lydiard Tregoze
Caroline Harrison
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Wednesday 5th June 2024

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