Presentation of 19th Century Thomas Becket watercolour in 2017

Presentation of  19th Century Thomas Becket watercolour in  2017
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The watercolour depicts the 15th Century wallpainting of the murder of Thomas Becket on the north west wall of the nave in St. Mary's Church. It is inscribed:

'A Copy of an Ancient Painting found by Accident at Fine Liddiard Church Sept. 1837'. The wallpainting had been discovered during renovation works to the building and was fortunately recorded in this watercolour. The wallpainting itself was painted over again, possibly with the idea of preserving it from decay.

The watercolour was passed down through the Edmonds family of Lydiard Tregoze and donated by them to the church in 2017. The Friends of Lydiard Park grant funded the conservation and framing of the picture in 2017. A photograph records its presentation to Paul Gardner of St. Mary's Church by former Chairman of the Friends, Alastair Rice-Stevens and trustee Frances Bevan.


Other Painting
West Tower, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze
St. Mary's Church, Lydiard Tregoze
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Friday 10th January 2025

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