The Lydiard Archives


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We regularly add St.John family portraits to The Lydiard Archives. This painting of Henry St.John 1st Vsct Bolingbroke is in The National Portrait Gallery.

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Will of Andrew Bruer, 1608

Will of Andrew Bruer, 1608
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Andrew Bruer made his will on 20 May 1608 while he was sick. It was proved the following December.

In commending his soul to God we see how religion has changed from previous centuries, the accepted religion is now that of the Church of England.

As well as remembering his brothers and sisters he leaves small bequests to his nephews and nieces. He leaves the generous sum of £10 to Susanna Wells the daughter of William - descendants of Robert Wells, the first testator in this collection.

In leaving 40 shillings to the poor of the parish 'wherin I do now dwell', it suggests Andrew may have lived somewhere else previously, possibly Towcester to whose parish church he left 40 shillings.

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Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Wednesday 26th June 2024

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