Window graffiti by Purton stonemasons, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, 19th Century

Window graffiti by Purton stonemasons, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, 19th Century
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St. Mary's Church contains a quantity of graffiti dating back to the 15th century. Tradesmen's marks from the 19th century are most prevalent.

The signatures shown here were discovered during the course of conservation cleaning of the windows in 2019/20.

The diamond window panes shown here belong to a small window high up on the south wall of the nave, just to the right of the painted corbel of Margaret Beauchamp.

The upper pane is inscribed: Will Leggit (?) / & John Bulton/ Stone Masons/ Purton

The lower pane is inscribed: John Bulton and ? / Stone Cutters/ Purton

Kelly's Directory of Wiltshire 1895 lists a William Boulton of Purton as a marble and stonemason. This is possibly a relation or descendent of John Bulton but further investigation is needed to establish a connection.

Bulton of Purton
St. Mary's Church, Lydiard Tregoze
Friends of Lydiard Park
Last updated on:
Tuesday 21st November 2023

Items of Interest

Window graffiti,  St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, 1817-1819
Window graffiti, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, 1817-1819

St. Mary's Church contains a quantity of graffiti...

Window graffiti, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, 19th Century
Window graffiti, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, 19th Century

St. Mary's Church contains a quantity of graffiti...