Window graffiti, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, 1817-1819

Window graffiti,  St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze, 1817-1819
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St. Mary's Church contains a quantity of graffiti dating back to the 15th century. Tradesmen's marks from the 19th century are most prevalent.

Several examples of glaziers etching their names in the glass can be seen on either side of the easternmost window of the north aisle wall (below three figures) of which two are reproduced here:

John Cook / Plumer Glazer Painter / Feby 11 1817 / Wootten Bassett

T. Tanner Plumber / Glazier & Painter / New Leaded This Light / June 10th 1819 / W Bassett / Wilts

See Report no 38 pp 32-35 Notes on Graffiti

John Cook & T Tanner
North aisle, St. Mary's Lydiard Tregoze
Friends of Lydiard Park
T. Cooper-Tydeman
Last updated on:
Friday 17th September 2021

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